
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Moving Over to a New Canvas

This is a migration from Misguided Operations to something a little less... crappy? I sure as hell hope this works out for me. Mostly, I was unsure on what to really write about and the idea with me and the whole blog scene was to get me to writing more. Well, pass attempts have failed and surely this one will follow in the footsteps of its ancestors, but hell it's not like I'm losing anything doing these little word-rants.

So, step one with the change from Operations was that I wanted to narrow down my subject matter. Here it is: this blog is about anime ONLY...... MOSTLY. I'll probably just chat and rant about shows airing in the current season as I find myself with far too much free time and far less productive things to be doing. On occasional I'll bring up video games (mostly fighting games), but usually it's because there is something anime-related in there (such as Blazblue or the weeaboo infested clusterfuck that is Arcana Hearts 3.... which I can't seem to not love). And without further adieu it begins! Also, because I'm a lazyfuck I'll be reposting some of my old reviews to kind of give this place more volume. Let's see how this experiment goes and how long I can suppress my ADD.

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