
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Anime Oasis Aftermath

I should have a more detailed post about my fun times at AO this year, but I'm rather lazy right now. Really, this is more or less an "I'm still here" post. AO was alright this year though I feel the convention isn't quite big enough yet to justify the new venue. Before AO had one floor and around three active rooms, but between the three floors that split up the con and the giant arena area we've been using as the main events hall, it feels as if there are less people around even though the con is still growing. Now don't get me wrong the Grove Hotel is wonderful, but it doesn't feel as packed as normal.

Also, I've been talking to my friends and it sounds like we'll be skipping AO next year and hitting up a personal favorite con of my Fanime instead. I wish I had shout-outs, but I don't want to give out names on a blog that no one views. GOOD NIGHT ALL.

P.S. - Watch more slice-of-life shows like Hanasaku Iroha, Nichijou, Anohana, A-Channel, and Tiger & Bunny (yes, T&B is my life).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Anime Convention Coming Up

Locally this con doesn't require any introduction but I'll give it one here because INTERNET. Starting this May 26th and going on till the 29th is a small town con called Anime Oasis. It's a pretty neat experience being that only roughly 450-600 people show up for it. We're in Idaho and we is small, but in a way, that's the charm of AO. It's got a very nice local feel to it and for those that go it's somewhat amusing because half of us already know each other. Realistically, I don't know why we require a con to meet up, but if it works it works. I'll be there for free thanks to a lifetime pass I bought years ago for a measly $50.

The only thing that saddens me about this convention, aside from your typically con drama, is that this weekend is also when Fanime goes down. I have a handful of friends out in California that really want me to go to Fanime instead, but I have to save my money and just stick with AO for now.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Nazo no Kanojo X

For a while now I've been a pretty big fan of Mysterious Girlfriend X. The premise itself is pretty simple: guy (Tsubaki Akira) meets girl (Urabe Mikoto), falls ill from love sickness, and then requires her drool to continue living a normal life. Also, they start dating. Simple eh? Basically, it's a fun romance comedy where we follow Tsubaki's attempts at furthering his awkward relationship with the highly awkward Urabe. The story is actually very cute and has this quirky charm to it.

Oh, the drool part? Yeah, that's a surprisingly major thing in this manga. Basically, Urabe has to... transfer her drool to Tsubaki or he gets all wiggy. From that alone you might think that these two are constantly making out, but that is certainly not the case. Urabe actually sticks her finger in her mouth to get the drool to Tsubaki, who has to then suck it down. Honestly, it's kind of weird and creepy at first, but eventually you get use to it. And really, the 'gross out' factor dies down pretty quickly.

This is an interesting and strange romantic comedy. Urabe is very much a no-touch kind of girl and Tsubaki tries desperately to get her to open up little by little each chapter. It's very cute from that standpoint alone, but also scary as it turns out that Urabe is highly skilled with scissors, which she carries around by using her panties as a holster. So, once in a while Tsubaki will mess up and Urabe will pull out her weapon and slash away (typically just to threaten him). It's a weird dynamic as I wouldn't exactly call Urabe tsundere, she's more just weird and very private. Even so, it's amusing to read as Tsubaki tries to have a 'normal' couple's relationship with her.

With all that going on, the manga somehow includes tons of fanservice and raunchy scenarios. For instance, Urabe's drawing of her scissors always seems to lead to an awesome panty shot. Even without that, there are plenty of cute/ecchi moments to happen about. Really, you could just call it a simple case of adoraboner.

So, my thoughts? Well, like I said I'm a huge fan of this series. It's got a great engaging story with fun quirky characters and a strange exotic vibe (mostly due to Urabe herself and less with the drool). There's a good balance of serious, funny, and ecchi moments, so it never feels too overwhelming in any of those regards. And finally, each chapter's pacing is made very well. There's no wasted frames and it feels like each arc is decent and well-thought out. Also, there's no true harem building here really, though many arcs center around a girl trying to replace Urabe. So, the final verdict? Go out and read this manga! It requires more attention, though each new chapter only comes out once a month.

Also, there's a rumor going around that this is being made into an anime by my absolute favorite studio Shaft. If anyone can capture the cute awkwardness of Mysterious Girlfriend X it is definitely them.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cosplay Accessories I Want

So, while I don't find myself cosplaying (or in this case crossplaying) much anymore, but if I got my hands on this compressed gas replica of Mami's gun (video here) I totally would get back to it! Seriously, this isn't the first case of awesome cosplay relicas, but it still amazes me. I really wish I had the know how to get these types of projects off the ground. Also, if I had a slimmer form I'd probably be more inclined to cosplay more often. Also, did I mention I use to love crossplaying. Feels good.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Barcode Geass

For those that don't know what's up check out this link. Basically, one of my favorite shows of all time (Code Geass) is being turned into a hilarious sounding yonkoma series. I don't know if I body can take it. Because holy shit this is awesome! Feels good to fall in love all over again. Now, the question will be if this shit is up to par.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Love of the Yonkoma

So with this new season of anime we of course get a flood of moeblob madness. I know, I know. But folks, let's be honest with ourselves, this is the shit that sells. Even so, I've often found myself drawn into the morbidly cute and obsessive trends of the moe theme genre, and for this weakness I apologize. Even so, I've once again stepped into the boundary and emerged from the pit with two shows I didn't think I'd pick up. These demons which haunt the darker pleasure nodes of my mind go by two names: A Channel and Nichijou.

To love these kinds of shows. This is the Yonkoma Curse.

The Main Characters of A Channel from Left to Right:
Nagi, Run, Tooru, & Yuuko

In truth, A Channel is nothing special and acts as your typical moe-induced, slice-of-life, pseudo-lesbian (though Tooru really does put this into question), high school fanservice dream show that centers around FRIENDSHIP. No, sadly, not Nanoha style FRIENDSHIP, just regular friendship.

So, I've watched up to either episode 5 or 6 and I can't really say I know what the 'pull' is for me. Honestly the humor and antics of the show aren't all that spectacular or unique, though somehow the characters remaining charming. In a way, I guess the moe bit is working out for A Channel, though mostly I've been watching it more for Tooru (which I suspect is the real reason most people are watching) and her weird side adventures.

The character dynamic is also a little more interesting in A Channel than other animated yonkoma series. The girls don't really feel all that fresh or original, however the writer wasn't afraid to play on old stereotypes. Run's simple airheadedness is almost refreshing in a world where writers and designers seem to be going out of their way to add 'depth' to characters. Hell, even the tension between Yuuko and Tooru make for a fun dip every so often.

Most of the things in A Channel can be taken at face value and that is certainly not a bad thing. Again, A Channel takes the slice-of-life pretty typically adding a light dose of yuri and topping it off with a very mellow, feel-good atmosphere. There's a heavily emphasis on friendship and the bonds made during high school here, so if you are a fan of the modern yonkoma, A Channel will make you feel right at home. Also, each episode has an insert song sung by the cast, but really that's more for the hardcore. It's a decent show, but not the best thing out this season. Which is my awkward segue into Nichijou.

Mio and Yuuko just being simple.

So, Nichijou. Where/how do I even begin here? Firstly, let me just say that I'm absolutely in love with this anime and I regret not having jumped on the manga sooner. Basically, Nichijou is a wild ride into a crazed world of ever-changing gags and over-the-top characters. I think the first thing most people note with this series is that Mio (the blue haired girl) looks an awful lot like Chiyo from Azumanga Daioh. In fact, a lot of Nichijou is extremely similar to the big Ah!, but let's be honest with ourselves. Most yonkoma brought about in this style will tend to do that. Basically, bottom line being this: don't let Nichijou's Azumanga Daioh style prevent you from watching and enjoying it. It's amazing and you should probably think of it more like homage to Azuma Kiyohiko's powerhouse classic.

This is my everyday life.

What Nichijou does right is that it basically takes everything that was everything and kicks up thirty notches. Nichijou is crazy and the gags range quite heavily between each segment. Much like a Japanese variety show, Nichijou really does have it's way with comedy, and I love every second. There is a large cast of characters, including many male characters (which is sometimes considered revolutionary in this genre). The animation is top tier which may surprise many viewers. Seriously, go watch any scene in which Misato disciplines Koujirou.

 Now that shit is tight!

One thing you may notice about Nichijou is that for some reason this series has some serious funding for all those awesome action scenes. There you go, another reason to watch it: visually impressive. Now that's an awkward compliment for a show based on the yonkoma style. I really can't say enough positive things about Nichijou! Sure, some of the gags and jokes may be too surreal at times, but the series itself just likes to poke fun at things. Mostly awkward things, which is something I highly approve of. With such a colorful cast of characters, it's easy to find a favorite segment in the show's frantic scene-by-scene rotation. Nichijou really is a show for those who like having a good time, so please give it a go. New episodes are out on Sunday, so be on the lookout! Anyways, have a good night and good luck!


In retrospect, I should have said more about Nichijou. This, I nearly regret, but not really at all. Go watch more anime. It's still good!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Figmas! Figmas! Figmas! Oh my!

This entry contains images I stole from Hobby Search (

And today I want to talk about Figmas.

Suzumiya Haruhi in Figma form!

In essence when I start collections I like those items to have a lot of 'play value.' And what I mean by that is simple, it just needs to have a lot of accessories that I can play with! I'm all about getting the best bang for my buck. For this I've turned to Figmas. Yes, I understand that one of the biggest complaints from fans about Figmas are that the joints don't look good, but you know what? I don't mind that at all. Personally, I find that being able to pose your figures and freely equipping them with a plethora of accessories (including alternate faces) is a damn good trade off for not-perfect limbs. Not to mention that Figmas tend to be far cheaper and easier to get than most other figures.

Basic Figma box, this one featuring Mari from the new Evangelion movies.

And here's what she looks like out of the box.

I have a very small collection namely due to a lack of funds. Currently I have the following: Tohsaka Rin (#11), Nagato Yuki (#15), Asahina Mikuru (#33, though I should have waited for the #36 battle maid version), Suzumiya Haruhi (#34), Tsuruya (#37), Saber (#50), Dark Saber (#72), and Love Machine (#83). So yeah, I don't have that many, but it's a fine collection that I'm quite proud of nonetheless! Most of my shelf space is dedicated to all the Gundam model kits I've completed, which I'm sure I'll post about later.

For those wanting to get into figure collecting but are unsure of what to expect, I would highly recommend Max Factory's Figma line (which you can check out here). Sure most are moe characters, but I suspect that most would-be collectors are after that sort of thing. Another fine point to bring up is that collecting figures is much much cheaper when you buy Figma. Man, this is starting to sound like a viral marketing scheme for Max Factory, but seriously just hear me out.

Yes, male Figmas exist, but they tend to be rare and expensive.

For example: Lelouch here is worth around $150 to $200.

Most Figmas (minus the rare Figmas, often times these are also the male ones) will run you an average of $30-$60 each (rare Figmas tend to be around $80-$150). Most statues that look very nice (and I mean VERY VERY nice) often start at around $80 with a majority being in the $150-$300 range. That's a pretty steep price for a figure that you most likely can't pose yourself, change out the faces, or even get to hold different accessories. Sure some have those options, but I find that Figmas tend to allow for a larger range of freedom. Also, all Figmas are scaled the same so any accessories that one Figma comes with can be used by other Figmas, including most faces. Basically, this lead me to buy Figmas exclusively.

Below is a more detailed look at a Figma, namely the beautfiul KOS-MOS ver. 4. I included the box, a number of poses/accessory combo pics, and a zoom in on the plastic wrappings. Images from Hobby-Search.

 For an even more images or if you want to buy the product check out this link.

Bottom line being this: if you want to start collecting anime figures but don't have the money for it, try out Figmas. Hell, if you've already been collecting figures go out and buy a Figma today just to see if it's the right fit for your collection. Max Factory also tends to release a lot of characters from the same series to make completing a set all the more stratifying. FIGMAS. DO IT NOW.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Keikaku Fail

So, originally I was going to have my next entry (this one) detailing my Figma collection with pictures and all that, but it seems that my digital camera has decided that rebellion against me was a better path for itself. Being as figures are a more visual aspect of the fandom I've gone ahead and put that little entry on hold for a few more days to try and collect a better form of photography that doesn't also double as a cellphone. And until that time I'm outta here! See ya soon (I hope).

Monday, May 2, 2011

Making Keikaku Doori

So, eventually I'd like to start updating this blog more often than just once or twice a week. Either way, I wanted to post this to make sure that SOMEONE knows that I will post again. Here in a little bit I want to talk about my personal anime memorabilia collection. Items like figures, bodypillows, plushies, keychain bobbles, and other sorts of nicknacks is what I'll discuss. And as a little teaser I'll tell you right now that my personal favorite thing to collect are figures, specifically Max Factory's Figmas.